Batt Man

Stallion now stands for $2,250.00 ($2,000 Standing Fee ~ $250 Chute Fee). Transported cooled semen is available. Your additional chute fee for this service will be $250. Mare care, veterinary expenses, and transported semen fees will be additional. The breed of the mare is to be a registered Quarter Horse.

Batt Man

Batt Man is a 2006 striking stallion earning over 84+ AQHA points. He is a Congress Three-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Derby Champion; AQHA Reserve High Point Performance Halter Stallion and Junior Performance Halter Stallion; 3rd, NSBA High-Point Three-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure; 5th, Tom Powers Triple Challenge Three-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity; finalist in the AQHA World Show in Two-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; AQHA World Show qualifier in Performance Halter Stallions and Junior Western Pleasure; holds a Superior Western Pleasure; and Open Halter ROM.

Batt Man is sired by the legendary Good Version, out of an own daughter of Radical Rodder, Custom Maid Rodder. As a sire, Batt Man has produced multiple AQHA World Champions, Congress Champions, NSBA World Champions, and futurity winners. With an excellent production record, he produced a Congress Champion from his first foal crop; from the second foal crop, he produced another Congress, World, and multiple Futurity Champion. Batt Man has additionally sired Congress Champion Longe Liners (5) years in a row! He is a good-minded, athletic stallion that puts movement together with excellent conformation. Batt Man has been an NSBA Top #5 Leading Sire and an NSBA All-Time Leading Sire. He has sired World and Congress Champions and is a Leading Sire of Money Earners. His offspring have earned over 5300 points and over a million in earnings. Such winning offspring include Wing Mann, World Champion, Honor Roll Champion, Multiple World & Reserve World Champion Sire from his first foal crop! Superman (Congress NSBA Three-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity Champion), So Good To B Me ~ Congress NSBA Two-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity Champion; and AQHA World Champion Junior Trail Horse; Spiderman ( Tom Powers Triple Challenge Two-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Stakes Co-Champion, Top 10 AQHA World Two-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure), CWF Batt Man ~ Congress Champion; Loping Radical ~ Congress NSBA Three-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion); Jbll Wonder Woman ~ Congress NSBA Two-Year-Old Open and Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurities’ Reserve Champion; Quiet Ride ~ Congress NSBA Open and Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Stakes Champion, League Of Her Own; Hez All Batt; Whoose On First; Ur Ride Has Arrived; Batt Attitude; Acrobatt; and the list continues.

Batt Man is tested Five-Panel Negative. An industry legend and Million Dollar Sire, Batt Man continues to leave his mark as one of the leading sires of champions in the industry. With an illustrious show record and a proven record as a World and Congress Champions producer, this remarkable stallion is a must-have for any breeding program.

Trevor Barnes & Jack Creditt - Batt Man, LLC

Karen Boxell

Standing At
Richland Ranch

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