Yell Oh Stone is a 2021 Quarter Horse (AQHA /PHBA/ABRA) Stallion. He is 15.2h, sire by Righteous Invitation (Invitation Only), by Prettiest Star Yet (A Sudden Star). Owned by Riverside Ranch of Sultan, Washington - Cindy McGraw. He is a stunning triple-registered palomino stallion with well-known natural talents.
Rip, as he is called, was the Reserve All-Around ABRA World Champion, received his ROM in just a few shows, and was named a 2024 Reserve Congress Champion. He competed in multiple Versatility and Ranch classes at the 2024 All-American Quarter Horse Congress in Pole Bending, Open Ranch Riding, Open Hunter Under Saddle, and Open Western Pleasure, accumulating over $900 for his 7th place win at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress Stakes with rider Madison Hallas. Yell Oh Stone is known for his quiet disposition, athleticism, talent, and desire to please. Naturally low-headed and a beautiful mover, he is graceful yet powerful and solid in his maneuvers. Added to his title of ABRA World Champion and, more recently, Congress Reserve Champion, his additional list of achievements includes Two-Time ABRA Reserve World Champion, All-Around ABRA Buckskin Bred Open Reserve Champion, AQHA Open Register of Merit, Color Breed Congress Two-Time Open Rail Champion, and the 2024 AQHA Reserve World Champion L2 Performance Halter Stallion.
Yell Oh Stone has become a household name in the Versatility and Ranch Riding disciplines. He is the kind of stallion the industry needs today. With the direction of AQHA's addition of the Ranch classes, several specialty events are getting a much-needed diversification of genetics. His offspring will excel in Reining, Ranch Pleasure, Cutting, Ranch Riding, and cowhorse events. He is quickly becoming a sought-after cross in the Western Pleasure industry. Between his atheism and bloodlines, his offspring will inherit his extremely talented athleticism and be great-moving ranch-riding offspring.
Yell Oh Stone is tested Six-Panel N/N. He has been nominated into the NRHA Sire & Dam, North American Reining Stakes, NRBC, Go For The Gold, IQHA, NSBA, MQHA, VPHC Color Classic, and APHA Breeders Trust.
Cindy McCraw